In a tribute to the graphic designer jerk who was trying to use his artist skills plagiarism to impress our friend Hayley (see post below), Va-va decided to rip off Yahoo draw some faces with markers of all our friends online and off.
So far we have: La-la, Silk, The Wizard, Jeff, Sadie, Chrissy, Amelie, CK, Laura, Wes, Hailey, Mandy, Patrick and Hayley as well as Va-va, her brothers and moi! To take a look you click the button* marked 'Meet the Cast' in the top left corner of this blog. Don't forget to comment on that page and pay your thanks to keep the pregnant Miss Voom happy! Heh!
* The artwork for the button took me 3 hours to create. Honest. ;)
Dang. I was hoping she'd drawn me as a biker. ;)
Posted by: The Wizard | October 19, 2005 at 05:37 AM