It's a royal pain in the ass when you find people on the Internet who are a bunch of crappy liars and give those that use the 'net in an honest way a bad name. Today, whilst Va-va was trying to rid herself of her cold and I was busy trying to resist the same symptoms which began to attack me, we were able to 'bust' someone as we literally caught them with their hand in the cookie jar! Sweet! A special thanks to our friend, Hayley, who was able to help lure this schmoozer! :)
The gentleman scoundrel is something of a graphic designer (I use that term loosely as it seems clear that anyone with Photoshop is allowed to give themselves that very title) and ended up creating a cartoon image for a friend of mine who he fancied lusted after when he stumbled across her web site. He told her created this image [left] and it took him 3 hours. Yes, that is right... 3 hours. I decided to email him and ask him how long it took to make it and 'raved' about how good he was. Again, he remained consistent to the story that it took him 3 hours.
I then asked him how long it took for him to do his own cartoon avatar [right] and he replied that 3 hours was usually what it would take to produce something in the toonish style. I told him it was very impressive and asked if he could give me some tips (harr harr) because I just don't know where to start. I also asked where he got his inspiration from. He replied that he saw some similar art when browsing the Internet and it just inspired him. Well, he apparently has not even got an ounce of demiurgic gifting inside him. And he lies pretty badly. I asked him where he came up with the idea of using the 3d glasses and he replied, "well I have this 3D astronomy book which I found in a bookstore just before I drew that."
The key words here is that he 'drew' those glasses. Now... this whole image took him, him claims, 3 hours.
Ladies and gents, I would now like to point you to Evidence A: DookyWeb. From this little site you yourselves can create you own avatar instantly. Here is Va-va's creation of a certain bullshitting graphic designer who wants to get into the pants of a friend of mine...
Oh would you look at that... 3D glasses included! My gosh! And to build up this picture it took Va-va all of 32 seconds. Impressive. To create Hayley (note for regular blog readers: not Hailey) he claimed it would also take about 3 hours... as an experienced graphic designer which he allegedly is, we are all supposed to bow and go 'ooooh' before kissing his feet.
Please note, after saving the image to Photoshop all he did was tilt the eyes, paste out part of the 'X' on the ears, alter the hair and paint out the braces (badly) on the teeth. If you look closely at the avatar of Hayley you can even SEE where his CRAP coloring in of white to remove the braces happened. Flippin' heck! Even my son can color better than that and he isn't even born yet!
I shall leave you with the image that I placed over a screen grab where he commented to Hayley that he took 3 hours to produce this piece of 'art' which he simply stole. The image is of 'me' and took me 3 hours minutes to make:
Bwa-hahahaha! Love It!
Posted by: The Wizard | October 18, 2005 at 05:05 PM
You must feel so deliciously EVIL!!!
Now all we have to do is find the Jade Monkey, before the next full moon.
Posted by: Jeff | October 18, 2005 at 08:39 PM