'Paternal rights - whether the biological father of an unborn child should have the right to block a woman's abortion? moral and legal arguments - Also, should a woman who has had an abortion and not told the biological father be subject to "damages" for her failure to disclose prior to terminating the pregnancy?'
This is the question which has been posed to the Men's Club this week. After pondering it for the last few hours (again, totally forgot it was Thursday, but I'm useless like that) I have decided I cannot effectively give an answer to this in the style and manner which I usually find I can post on these weekly topics.
The rights, in my mind, belong, primarily, to the mother. But, in a relationship, the subject should certainly be discussed. The real question, I feel though, is on if anyone has the right to decide if an unborn child should live or die. When I think about the miracle of life that has formed and is growing inside Va-va right now, I cannot comprehend the thought of termination. I understand some people have very weighted reasons why they may consider it, but to me there are very few which can justify the act of taking a life. I am not 100% against abortion, I am supportive of those who have been through it and wouldn't judge anyone for doing it, however, my personal pov is that there are only a few genuine scenarios (one for example being non-consensual intercourse) which I consider it to be a possible avenue. The taking of a life is a very serious matter, no matter how big or small. It is something that, if anyone were to consider it, they should get as much information on as possible, they should talk with as many people (preferably counselors not your friends from the local bar) and watch videos on the subject. To make a decision like that is one that the majority of those who undergo the procedure struggle with later on in life because they didn't fully weigh all sides of the equation.
I know this could rile a lot of people out there and I know my post this week to be very dull or boring but this is just what I think and where I am coming from.
Kathy, Phoenix, Silk and Ruth post for the ladies. Naked Villainy, Stigmata, Jamesey and That 1 Guy post for the men. Hopefully those guys are able to express themselves with a little more balance in their writings on this very difficult subject.
I couldn't agree more with what you just stated here Will. I was raped at 15 years old and the result of that was a court case in which I saw the guy locked up for 4 years . . . And an Abortion for me. Having been through that, yes I can't say I'm totally against Abortion, but believe there are circumstances in which a woman HAS to make the right choice. Even now, almost 12 years later, I feel guilt. I know there were other options open to me, but at the time I just did not want to know. That guy took my virginity and a year of my life, but I'll be damed if he's going to take the rest of my life away from me too!
Posted by: Dawn | October 28, 2005 at 09:01 AM
Your position is actually well articulated and sincere.
; )
Posted by: Chrissy | October 28, 2005 at 04:51 PM