What is your [usual] daily cyber-routine?
I am rather curious as to when people do their mail checks, blog writing, news surfing or anything else. I'm sure some of you are extremely geeky and check emails all the time at every given chance but somewhere all of us have a modus operandi. Email checking first or blog reading? Blog reading in the afternoon? Gaming in the evening? Forums or BBS? Is it daily or weekly? Are the weekends different? Why?
In a new series of articles I am writing on the subject of etheropology (a completely made up word based on anthropology but meaning the study of human behavior relating to computers in particular the internet) I am asking for all of you to help. How? By asking the question of yourselves and perhaps ask the question on your blog or co-workers too. The more information gathered the better the cross-section of answers will be and hopefully the results will be interesting to read! :)
The subject of routines is the first in this series. Your replies can feature in the comments in this post or even on your blog (you can trackback to let me know or just drop me an e-mail here if you do that so I know to gather the information) or even just e-mail me your answers. Thanks in advance for all of your help.
Email on its way luv
Posted by: silk | September 27, 2005 at 02:29 AM
Hmmmm. Emails I only read when the little gmail notifier tells me to!! Apart fromn work emails which I read at the beginning and end of each shift. And my hotmail account which I don't really use anymore, thus I only check once in a blue moon (as you are only too aware!!)
Blogs I read just after I've gotten up usually, but only on my days off. On working days I'll read them when I get home, just before bed. Unless it's a late or night shift in which case it'll be when I get up.
Not much of a routine admittedly, but a routine none-the-less....
Never really play games on here anymore - just obsessed with Pro Evo on the PS2, which I tend to play whenever my housemate is home.
Posted by: Jamesyboy | September 27, 2005 at 06:41 PM
Well, first... if you can call having three tabs open...first I check my email. I mostly go to my hotmail. In one of the other two tabs is le Portal, which I am usually on all day, because as if living with you and va-va isn't enough I still enjoy when you both sign on and chat with me. The third of the tabs would be FTJ for a quick run through and posting and general side entertainment at work.
Then the hotmail tab turns to my blog to see if anyone has left a comment, then from there I visit my links, then from there I will log into LJ so I can read my friends posts.
Then lastly I may go to Myspace or check my bank statement, but then it pretty much just goes in a cycle between my email, blogs and anything extra on google.
Wow I probably should have sent this to you in an email..sorry :/
Posted by: La-La | September 27, 2005 at 10:35 PM
no no, all good to be posted here! :) keep them rolling in folks, up to you if its on your own blog, via email or in here :)
thanks :)
Posted by: Stigmata | September 27, 2005 at 11:36 PM
hmm...e-mail at work has a poppy-uppy thingme à la "you have new mail :)". At work we get e-mails every second so I am ALWAYS reading e-mail.
I usually check my icqmail account once a day just to delete the junk mail really because nobody writes to me at that address much any more.
My uni account I probably check once evey couple of days just in case there's a major assignment I'm not aware of.
I try and grab a quick peak in at my favourite blogs once a day, or once every couple of days.
The rest of the time on the net is spent gazing helplessly as the balance of my bank account drops and checking the uni website to see if my grade was wrong and I didn't really fail Law. hrmz..
Don't play any games. Do watch hubby playing games tho (I know, I'm weird :))
Posted by: Fa||en | September 28, 2005 at 09:14 AM
now that i'm at college, i check everything a lot more.
i check all mail [hotmail, gmail, school mail, facebook] and some blogs when i'm eating breakfast before class on most days.
i leave gmail open pretty much all day, and when i stop by the room and see a new message, i check it. i find out when someone comments on my blog through gmail. i also leave msn messenger up [and set to away] most of the day, but when i see a new message on there, i get on top of it rather quickly.
in the earlyish afternoon, after classes, i check all mail again and most blogs. this pretty much continues through the end of the night. checking the blogs and such is such a nice break from the homework, after all. : D
i hope that was...helpful
Posted by: amelie | September 28, 2005 at 02:40 PM
i check portal and email as i get a chance and monster, mn job bank, etc. after that, then your blog and that's about it.
seriously! mine is so random!
Posted by: Va-Va | September 28, 2005 at 03:40 PM
Pretty simple one here.
First thing in the morning. Yahell email account, then gmail cuz thats where my Blog comments go to. Then I check my blog and the counter statistics (so sad I know, I like to know which countries are hitting me). Then I check everyone's blog thats on my link list and comment as and when. Then I sit staring at the screen all day trying to come up with a new blog post haha.
Posted by: Dawn | September 29, 2005 at 01:10 PM
Blog email, personal email, post if I have something, if not, read blogs then post, and check email periodically throughout the day, to avoid finding 27 emails at once.
Posted by: Theresa | October 11, 2005 at 10:07 AM
My routine has been disrupted by moving and the horrible service I now get from Comcast.
I check my (one) e-mail account every day at least twice. My new e-mail doesn't seem to have anything but spam.
I try to read all my blogroll every week. Some, like Lileks, I read every day.
I'm happiest when finding some gem and posting on it. Second happiest when I am ranting or whining about my life and times.
Posted by: miriam's ideas | October 11, 2005 at 06:21 PM
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Posted by: wrattadly | December 12, 2011 at 02:46 AM
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Posted by: faincopansiot | December 13, 2011 at 02:05 AM
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